The accurate communication and the cultural awareness are important for the entrepreneur that wants to internationalize his business activity. The incompetent translation can be costly and damage the company’s image or reputation. When President Carter traveled to Poland in 1977, […]
Why not any bi-lingual person can be a translator? Translation is a well-honed skill. Being bi-lingual or mother tongue doesn’t make a person a translator any more than having two hands makes you a pianist. It is necessary to be […]
Mother tongue
The following lists include a few of the types of technical and legal translation projects I have handled, either directly for the manufacturers or through translation companies. 115,000 words of a nautical catalog 13,800 words of cosmetic products data sheets […]
My skills can be useful to you for: translating corporate documents and agreements translating documents necessary to take part in tenders translating technical manuals and other documents necessary for the provision in Poland of plants, technology and services translating your […]
Company Individual Professional
Since I have already translated into Polish millions of words I have the experience and the competence that are optimal to help an entrepreneur who wants to operate on Polish market. It’s time to seriously consider to use the potentialities […]
Optimal Experience
Well translated texts since 1998 My name is Lucyna Duleba and I am an Italian-Polish technical and legal translator. I also translate from English into Polish. Since 1998 I have already provided my value for money translation services to more […]